"As the world becomes increasingly individualistic, at St. Maria Goretti we strive to grow in faith and love to be in union with Jesus Christ and one another. Our school community engages in daily prayer, weekly Mass and Adoration, receiving God’s love and loving Him in return. Rooted in God’s love, we strive to love one another as Christ loves, through selfless service.
Saint Thomas Aquinas defined love as “choosing the good of another for their own sake”. We live this out daily through respect for each individual’s human dignity, service to the common good, fostering virtuous friendships and community, and living the beatitudes and works of mercy."At St. Maria Goretti, we strive to fulfill Christ’s command to “love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt. 22:37-40). Here are some of the ways we strive to love each other through vibrant community and service at St. Maria Goretti Catholic School:
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